Double Portrait of Oliver Cromwell and General John Lambert

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price€201,95 EUR


Double Portrait of Oliver Cromwell and General John Lambert is an iconic painting by artist Robert Walker that captures the essence of two key historical figures in 17th century England. Measuring 139 x 159 cm, this masterpiece stands out for its unique artistic style, skillful composition, use of color and fascinating history.

As for the artistic style, Walker uses a realistic and detailed technique in the representation of the faces and clothing of Cromwell and Lambert. Every wrinkle, every fold of clothing, and every facial feature is meticulously painted, reflecting the artist's skill and talent. Furthermore, Walker manages to capture the personality and commanding presence of both characters through their facial expression and body posture.

The composition of the painting is balanced and symmetrical. Cromwell and Lambert are positioned in the center of the canvas, facing each other, creating a sense of confrontation and power. Their eyes meet, which intensifies the tension in the scene. Furthermore, the artist uses a perspective in which both characters appear to be looking down, giving them a commanding and authoritative appearance.

As for color, Walker uses a palette of dark and earthy tones that reinforce the seriousness and gravity of the scene. The predominant colors are black, brown and grey, creating a gloomy and austere atmosphere. However, the artist also uses touches of red in the details of the characters' clothing, which adds an interesting and attractive visual contrast.

The story behind this painting is fascinating. It was created in the 1640s during the English Civil War, a tumultuous period in English history. Cromwell, a military and political leader, and Lambert, another prominent general, were allies in the fight against the monarchy. However, their relationship deteriorated over time, and this painting was commissioned by Cromwell as an attempt at reconciliation. Although the attempt was in vain and the two leaders grew further apart, this painting remains a powerful testimony to their joint past.

Furthermore, there are little-known aspects of this painting that make it even more intriguing. It is believed to have been painted during a visit by Cromwell to Edinburgh, and it is speculated that Walker may have used a mirror to capture Cromwell's facial details more accurately. Furthermore, it is said that the painting was hidden for many years due to its connection to Cromwell, as after his death his reputation was controversial and he was considered a tyrant by some.

In summary, Double Portrait of Oliver Cromwell and General John Lambert is an impressive painting that stands out for its artistic style, its composition, its use of color and its fascinating history. It is a masterpiece that captures the essence of two key historical figures and continues to intrigue viewers with its power and significance to this day.

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