Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach

size(cm): 50x45
Sale price€181,95 EUR


The painting Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach by the artist Hans the Younger Holbein is a masterpiece that stands out for its exceptional artistic style and impeccable composition. The painting, measuring 29 x 27 cm, is a portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach, a wealthy 16th-century Swiss merchant and humanist.

The artistic style of the work is typical of the German Renaissance, with meticulous attention to detail and realistic painting technique. Bonifacius Amerbach's figure is rendered with great precision, with every facial feature and detail of his clothing carefully captured.

The composition of the work is equally impressive. The portrait is centered on the figure of Amerbach, who is seated in a chair with a table and a book by his side. Behind him is a window with a view of the Swiss landscape. The composition is balanced and harmonious, with careful attention to perspective and the use of space.

The color of the work is subtle and elegant, with soft shades of brown, gray and green. The color palette is typical of the German Renaissance, with a preference for earthy tones and subtle shadows.

The history of the painting is interesting. It was painted in 1519 by Hans Holbein the Younger, who was one of the most important artists of the time and who worked at the court of Henry VIII in England. The painting was commissioned by Amerbach as a portrait of himself and as a gift to his friend Erasmus from Rotterdam, the famous humanist and writer.

There are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more fascinating. For example, it is believed that Amerbach was very interested in alchemy and that the table and the book next to him could be a reference to this passion. Furthermore, the painting is known to have passed through various hands over the centuries, including once being stolen and recovered by the Swiss police.

In short, Hans Holbein the Younger's Portrait of Bonifacius Amerbach is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its exceptional artistic style, impeccable composition, and fascinating story. It is a stunning piece that continues to captivate viewers today.

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