Portrait of Solomon Van Meldeghem

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


The painting Portrait of Salomon van Meldeghem by Jacob Van Oost is a masterpiece of Flemish Baroque art from the 17th century. This work is characterized by its realistic and detailed artistic style, which can be seen in the sitter's facial expression and in the meticulousness with which the details of his clothing have been painted.

The composition of the painting is also very interesting, since the portrait is presented in close-up, with a dark and diffuse background, which makes the figure of Salomon van Meldeghem stand out even more. In addition, the sitter's position, with his head slightly inclined and his gaze directed towards the viewer, creates a feeling of intimacy and closeness.

Regarding color, the work is characterized by its warm and soft palette, with brown, gold and reddish tones that contrast with the dark background. The light that illuminates the sitter's face and clothing creates an effect of volume and depth that makes the figure appear almost three-dimensional.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as Salomon van Meldeghem was a prominent merchant and politician in the city of Bruges in the 17th century, and this work was commissioned by himself as a portrait for his family. The painting has passed through various hands over the centuries and has been the subject of study and analysis by art experts.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that Jacob Van Oost was a very prolific and successful painter in his time, and that this work is one of the highlights of his career. In addition, it is believed that the portrait of Salomon van Meldeghem was used as a model for other works by the artist, demonstrating its importance and relevance in the artistic production of the time.

In summary, the painting Portrait of Salomon van Meldeghem by Jacob Van Oost is a work of great artistic and historical value, noted for its realistic and detailed style, its composition and its soft and warm color palette. This work is a leading example of 17th-century Flemish Baroque art and continues to be admired and studied by art connoisseurs and aficionados around the world.

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