God Inviting Christ to Sit on the Throne at His Right Hand

size(cm): 50x55
Sale price€184,95 EUR


The painting "God Inviting Christ to Sit on the Throne at His Right Hand" by Pieter De Grebber is a masterpiece of Dutch Baroque art. The painting shows God the Father, seated on a heavenly throne, inviting his Son, Jesus Christ, to sit at his right. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the main characters in the center, surrounded by angels and cherubs in a heavenly scene.

The technique used by De Grebber is impressive, with masterful use of color and light to create a sense of movement and depth. The use of golden and heavenly tones in the painting also accentuates the scene's sense of divinity and majesty.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by the Haarlem Guild of Surgeons in 1628. The painting was originally housed in the guild chapel in Haarlem, but is now in the collection of the Frans Hals Museum in the same city.

An interesting aspect of the painting is the fact that De Grebber represented God the Father as a bearded old man, something unusual in Christian iconography of the time. This may have been an influence from Jewish tradition, where God is often depicted as an old man.

In short, the painting "God Inviting Christ to Sit on the Throne at His Right Hand" by Pieter De Grebber is an impressive work of Dutch Baroque art, noted for its technique, composition, and use of color. The story behind the painting and little-known aspects, such as the depiction of God the Father as an old man, make it even more interesting and valuable.

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