Dining room in El Campo

size(cm): 45x55
Sale price€175,95 EUR


The painting Dining Room in the Country by the French artist Pierre Bonnard is a masterpiece of Post-Impressionism. The work was painted in 1913 and represents a domestic scene of a family in their country dining room. The composition of the painting is very interesting, as Bonnard uses a very flat perspective and a very close approach to the objects in the scene.

Bonnard's artistic style is highly distinctive, using a soft, diffused brushwork technique to create a sense of atmosphere and lightness in the painting. The colors he uses are very vibrant and saturated, creating a sense of joy and vitality in the work.

One of the most interesting aspects of the painting is the way Bonnard uses light and shadow to create a sense of depth and space in the scene. Light enters through the windows and creates an effect of shadow and light on the walls and objects in the room.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. It was painted at a transitional time for Bonnard, as he was beginning to experiment with cubism and other modern styles. However, Dining Room in the Country is a work that shows his love for tradition and the beauty of everyday life.

In short, Dining Room in the Country is a masterpiece of Post-Impressionism showcasing Pierre Bonnard's ability to create a sense of atmosphere and lightness in painting. The composition, the color and the technique used by Bonnard make this work one of the most interesting of his career.

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