still life of flowers

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€139,95 EUR


The Still-Life of Flowers painting by artist Jean-Baptiste Belin De Fontenay is a 17th-century French Baroque masterpiece. This painting is a sample of the artist's ability to capture the beauty of flowers and his ability to create a harmonious and balanced composition.

The artistic style of the painting is typical of the French Baroque, characterized by the richness of detail and the complexity of the composition. The artist uses a highly detailed and precise painting technique to depict each flower and leaf, creating a sense of realism and naturalness in the work.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist has arranged the flowers in such a way that they appear to be floating in the air. The arrangement of the flowers creates a sensation of movement and dynamism in the work, which makes it very attractive to the viewer.

Color is another interesting aspect of painting. The artist has used a very rich and varied color palette to represent the flowers and leaves. The colors are vibrant and bright, creating a sense of joy and vitality in the work.

The history of the painting is also very interesting. It is believed to have been painted in the 1670s and was part of the art collection of King Louis XIV of France. The work has passed through various hands over the centuries, but it remains one of the most impressive paintings of the French Baroque.

As for little-known aspects, it is known that the artist Jean-Baptiste Belin De Fontenay was a specialist in flower painting and that his work was highly valued in his time. Furthermore, the Still-Life of Flowers painting is believed to have been one of the favorite works of King Louis XIV, who kept it in his private room.

In short, Jean-Baptiste Belin De Fontenay's Still-Life of Flowers painting is a masterpiece of French Baroque noted for its artistic style, composition, color, and rich history. It is a work that continues to captivate the public and is considered one of the best representations of the beauty of flowers in the history of art.

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