Portrait of Bindo Altoviti

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price€148,95 EUR


Jacopino Del Conte's Portrait of Bindo Altoviti painting is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its refined artistic style and carefully balanced composition. The portrait shows Bindo Altoviti, a powerful Florentine banker, in a majestic and self-assured pose, with a direct and penetrating gaze that seems to challenge the viewer.

The artist has managed to capture Altoviti's personality and character in an impressive way, using a detailed and realistic painting technique that shows every feature of his face with amazing precision. The coloring of the painting is subtle and elegant, with soft shades of brown and gray combining to create an effect of depth and volume.

The story behind the painting is equally fascinating. Bindo Altoviti was a patron of the arts and a close friend of Michelangelo, who is also portrayed in a Del Conte painting. Altoviti commissioned the portrait as a gift to his wife, and the work has been considered one of the artist's most important.

Although the painting is widely recognized as one of the masterpieces of the Italian Renaissance, there are lesser-known aspects that also deserve attention. For example, the painting originally had an inscription at the top reading "Bindus Altoviti Florentinus", but this inscription was erased sometime after Altoviti's death.

In short, Portrait of Bindo Altoviti is an impressive work of art that combines a detailed and realistic painting technique with a carefully balanced composition and subtle and elegant colouring. The story behind the painting and the lesser-known aspects of its creation make it even more fascinating and worthy of admiration.

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