Verdún - 1917

Size (cm): 75x60
Sale price€257,95 EUR


The painting "Verdún - 1917" by Félix Vallotton, a work that belongs to the vast artistic production of the Swiss -Francés painter, reveals the brutality and restlessness of the war conflict clearly. The work, created in the context of the First World War, is presented as an imperishable testimony of the Battle of Verdún, one of the most bloody and devastating confrontations of the Great War.

In this painting, Vallotton omits human characters, a decision that reinforces the universality of horror and desolation of war. Indeed, instead of showing us soldiers in combat or human figures suffering, opt for a desolate and apocalyptic view of the battlefield. The landscape, dominated by the stormy sky and the dark clouds, is a clear indicative of the emotional and physical state of the land that has been relentlessly punished by the conflict.

Chromatism in "Verdún - 1917" is particularly impressive. Vallotton uses a predominantly dark palette, with tones of gray, black and soft brown nuances to translate the immediacy and severity of the destroyed environment into the fabric. The deformed and burned trees, the trenches and the razed earth are reflected with an almost photographic precision that transmits both the tangible reality of the scene and its symbolic dimension. The violent nature and the fragments of an agonizing civilization combine to form a powerful image, causing the viewer to almost hear the rumble of the cannons and feel the atmosphere full of death and despair.

Vallotton, known for its affiliation with Les Nabis and its focus on the simplification of shapes and the use of flat colors, shows in this work an evolution towards a more sober and direct style, suitable for the severity of the subject. The topographic precision and fidelity with which the environment represents suggest the influence of realism, although its treatment of light and space maintains an abstract quality that remembers its roots in post-impressionism and symbolism.

This work is not only significant for its representation of the devastated landscape, but also for its historical context. The Battle of Verdún, which took place between February and December 1916, was charged approximately 300,000 lives and left about 400,000 people injured. Not showing directly to fighters, Vallotton enhances the anonymous and impersonal character of destruction, a strategy that expands the emotional resonance of painting.

Félix Vallotton, born in Lausana in 1865, developed a varied race that covered painting, engraving and illustration. Its ability to combine a great media economy with a deep visual impact is patent in "Verdún - 1917". This painting He enrolls in a series of war works of the artist, who, although he did not fight directly, was deeply affected by the horrors of the war and tried to capture them in his art in a sober and contemplative way.

Thus, "Verdún - 1917" It is not only a shocking work of art for its technical execution, but also a historical document that invites us to reflect on the devastation of war conflicts. Vallotton achieves, through a seemingly simple and direct representation, move the spectator and make him participate in a historical tragedy whose memory is still alive in collective consciousness.

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