Theology (Tondo Roof)

size(cm): 45x45
Sale price€171,95 EUR


The painting Theology (ceiling tondo) by Italian artist Raffaello Sanzio is a Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated audiences since its creation in 1511. Measuring 180 cm in diameter, this oil painting is one of the most important works of the Vatican collection and is located in the Stanza della Segnatura.

The painting represents four female figures who personify the theological virtues: Faith, Hope, Charity and Divine Wisdom. The composition of the painting is impressive, with the figures intertwined in a celestial dance that takes place in an imaginary architectural space. The central figure of the painting is Divine Wisdom, represented by a young woman with an open book on her lap and a laurel wreath on her head.

The color in the painting is vibrant and rich, with a palette of warm tones that includes reds, golds, and blues. The details of the clothing and ornaments of the figures are meticulously painted, giving the work a luxurious and opulent appearance.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Pope Julius II to decorate the vault of the Stanza della Segnatura in the Vatican. The painting was created at a time when Raffaello was at the peak of his career and became a model for later religious painting.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Raffaello is believed to have used his lover, Margherita Luti, as a model for the figure of Faith. This has been the subject of controversy, but it is an interesting detail that adds a personal touch to the work. .

In short, Theology (ceiling tondo) is a Renaissance masterpiece combining stunning composition, vibrant color, and rich history. It is one of the most important works in the Vatican collection and continues to be a source of inspiration for artists and art lovers around the world.

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