The Half-Sunken Dog

size(cm): 65x40
Sale price€199,95 EUR


El Perro Semihundido is one of his so-called "Black Paintings," the sequence of murals, usually with nightmarish themes, that the artist painted on the walls of the Quinta del Sordo, a country house on the outskirts of Madrid that he occupied in early from 1820.

The structure of the image is minimal and nonspecific. It is divided into two, one above and one below. The upper area is pale golden yellow; the lower one is brown. The upper area occupies most of the image; the lower one is a strip at the bottom with a sloping wavy edge. You could call the upper area heaven and the lower area earth.

It is one of the most mysterious works of the artist, also admired by many modern artists. It is believed that the work is endless, and it seems that there were some birds that have vanished over time, but what is clear is the variety of opinions and the capacity for reflection that a work can provoke.

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