The frightened bride to see the open life

Size (cm): 60x75
Sale price€263,95 EUR


Title: 'The frightened bride to see the open life': an intimate journey to Frida Kahlo's psyche

In the vast universe of painting, Frida Kahlo's work stands out for her emotional intensity and conceptual audacity. Among her most intriguing and less known creations is 'The frightened bride to see open life', a painting that encapsulates the complexity of her artistic vision and personal struggle.

The painting, made in 1943, is a fascinating mixture of surrealism and symbolism, two styles that Kahlo adopted and adapted throughout his career. In the work, a girlfriend, possibly a Kahlo self -portrait, is in a desolate landscape, looking towards an open and unknown horizon. The bride seems scared, but also determined, as if they were about to embark on an uncertain but necessary trip.

The composition of the painting is remarkably balanced, with the figure of the bride in the center, flanked by symbolic elements. To his left, a dry and leaves without leaves, which could represent the death or the end of a stage. To its right, a river that flows to the horizon, a possible symbol of life and renewal. This provision creates a visual tension that reinforces the feeling of fear and anticipation of the bride.

The use of color in 'The frightened bride to see open life' is equally significant. Kahlo uses earthly and turned off for the landscape, contrasting with the pure target of the bride's dress. This contrast highlights the central figure, but also suggests a duality between life (represented by white) and death (represented by dark tones).

Despite its apparent simplicity, 'the frightened bride to see open life' is a deeply personal and symbolic work. Kahlo suffered from health problems throughout his life, and his marriage to the muralist Diego Rivera was tumultuous and full of infidelities. The painting can be seen as a representation of his fear of facing life without Rivera, but also of his determination to move forward.

One of the less known aspects of 'The frightened bride to see the open life' is that it was painted in the same year as Kahlo and Rivera divorced. This adds an additional layer of meaning to the work, suggesting that the scared bride could be Kahlo himself, facing the perspective of a life without her husband.

'The frightened bride to see open life' is a testimony of Frida Kahlo's ability to transform her pain and fears into art. Through its balanced composition, its symbolic use of color and its representation of personal struggle, Kahlo invites us to an intimate journey to his psyche, revealing his courage and vulnerability to equal extent.

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