Little Last Judgment

size(cm): 50x30
Sale price€153,95 EUR


The painting Small Last Judgment by Peter Paul Rubens is a Flemish Baroque masterpiece depicting the Last Judgment. The work was painted in 1620 and is currently in the permanent collection of the Museo del Prado in Madrid.

Rubens's artistic style is evident in this work, as it is characterized by his technique of loose brushwork and his use of bright, contrasting colours. The composition of the painting is impressive, as Rubens manages to depict the complexity of the Last Judgment in a single image. The central figure of the painting is Christ, who stands in the center of heaven surrounded by angels and saints. To his left are the just, represented by figures dressed in white, while to his right are the damned, represented by naked and deformed figures.

The color in the painting is rich and vibrant, creating a sense of movement and drama in the image. Red and gold tones dominate the work, reflecting the fire of hell and the glory of heaven. In addition, Rubens uses the chiaroscuro technique to create an effect of depth in the image.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria as a gift to his brother, King Philip IV of Spain. The work was sent to Spain in 1628 and became one of the most valued paintings in the royal collection.

A little known aspect of the painting is that Rubens used real models to represent the figures in the work. For example, the figure of Christ was based on a model of a close friend of the artist, while the figures of the condemned were based on models of people with physical deformities.

In short, Peter Paul Rubens' painting Small Last Judgment is a Flemish Baroque masterpiece that stands out for its artistic style, impressive composition, use of vibrant color, and interesting history. It is a work that continues to captivate viewers and demonstrates the skill and talent of the artist.

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