size(cm): 45x35
Sale price€151,95 EUR


The painting "Seated Woman" by the artist Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec is a fascinating work that plunges us into the captivating world of 19th century art. With an original size of 63 x 48 cm, this piece shows the technical mastery and the distinctive style of Toulouse-Lautrec.

A notable feature of this painting is the author's unique artistic style. Toulouse-Lautrec was a prominent representative of the Post-Impressionist movement and is considered one of the forerunners of modern art. His innovative approach to the representation of the human figure is evidenced in "Seated Woman." The artist uses loose and fast brushstrokes, creating a sense of movement and energy in the work. This technique, known as "outdoor painting," is characteristic of Toulouse-Lautrec's style and allows him to capture the spontaneity and life of his subjects.

The composition of the painting is also noteworthy. "Seated Woman" features a woman seated on a chair, her body leaning slightly forward. The figure is in the foreground, occupying a large part of the canvas, which gives it a powerful presence. Toulouse-Lautrec uses an unusual perspective, placing the woman at the far left of the painting and leaving much of the background empty. This compositional choice creates a sense of intimacy and invites us to focus our attention on the main figure.

The use of color in "Seated Woman" is another highlight of the work. Toulouse-Lautrec employs a bold and vibrant color palette, characteristic of his style. Red, blue and green tones intertwine in the fabric, creating an atmosphere full of life and vitality. The artist also uses contrasts of light and shadow to highlight the contours of the figure and give it depth.

The story behind this painting is equally interesting. "Seated Woman" was created in 1895 and depicts one of Toulouse-Lautrec's favorite models, the dancer Louise Weber, known as "La Goulue." Weber was an iconic figure of the famous Parisian cabaret Moulin Rouge, a place where the artist frequented. This painting captures the beauty and distinctiveness of Weber, as well as the vibrant, bohemian atmosphere of Parisian nightlife at the time.

In addition to these well-known aspects, there are lesser-known details about "Seated Woman" that deserve to be highlighted. For example, Toulouse-Lautrec often used mirrors in his studio to capture different angles of his models for a more realistic perspective. It is also known that the artist was very meticulous in the choice of his models and in creating a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere during the painting sessions.

In short, Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec's "Seated Woman" is a fascinating painting that showcases the author's distinctive artistic style, unique composition, bold use of color, and captivating story. This masterpiece transports us to the bustling nightlife of Paris in the 19th century and allows us to appreciate the talent and innovative vision of one of the great masters of modern art.

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