Pythagoras and the Fisherman

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price€220,95 EUR


The painting Pythagoras and the Fisherman, by the Italian artist Salvator Rosa, is a work that stands out for its baroque artistic style and its dramatic and emotional composition. In it, the meeting between the Greek philosopher Pythagoras and a fisherman is represented, who shows him a fish that he has caught and that has a triangle-shaped mark on its body.

The figure of Pythagoras, with his red tunic and white beard, is the center of the composition, surrounded by a wild and agitated nature, which is represented through the vegetation and rocks that surround the scene. The dark and dramatic color of the painting, with shades of green, brown and black, creates a mysterious and enigmatic atmosphere.

The story behind the painting is interesting, as Salvator Rosa is said to have been inspired by a Greek legend that tells that Pythagoras discovered the relationship between music and mathematics by hearing the sound produced by a hammer hitting a forge. In the painting, Pythagoras is seen holding a lyre, referencing his interest in music and mathematics.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that it is in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, but it has not always been there. In the 19th century, the work was acquired by the Spanish banker Juan de Dios de la Rada y Delgado, who kept it in his private collection until his death. It was then that the painting was sold to the Prado Museum, where it is currently located.

In short, Pythagoras and the Fisherman is a fascinating work that stands out for its baroque style, its dramatic composition and its interesting history. A work worth contemplating and admiring in detail.

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