The Miracle of San Jacinto

size(cm): 40x30
Sale price€135,95 EUR


The painting "The Miracle of Saint Hyacinth" by Ventura Salimbeni is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art of the 17th century. This work represents a key moment in the history of the city of Siena, Italy, where a miracle occurred in the church of San Hyacinth.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a great amount of detail and a perfect perspective. The main scene is in the center of the painting, where San Jacinto can be seen at the altar, surrounded by worshipers. In the upper part of the painting, you can see God the Father and the Virgin Mary, who observe the scene from heaven.

Color is another outstanding aspect of this work. Salimbeni used a rich and vibrant color palette, with gold and red tones highlighting the importance of the scene. The details in the clothing and objects are impressive, demonstrating the artist's ability to create a realistic and detailed work of art.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. In 1595, the city of Siena suffered from a plague epidemic that killed thousands of people. The inhabitants of the city went to the church of San Jacinto to ask for the help of the patron saint of the city. According to legend, Saint Hyacinth appeared at the altar of the church and healed the sick, prompting the city to declare a holiday in his honor.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of this work that make it even more interesting. For example, Salimbeni included his own image in the painting, as a man in the lower left of the work. Several members of the Salimbeni family can also be seen in the painting, suggesting that the work was commissioned by the family.

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