The resurrection

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price€219,95 EUR


Andrea Mantegna's Resurrection painting is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece noted for its stunning composition and masterful use of color. With an original size of 71 x 94 cm, this work shows the risen Christ emerging triumphant from his tomb while Roman soldiers sleep around him.

Mantegna uses a highly advanced perspective technique to create the illusion of depth in the painting, making the figure of Christ appear to be floating in midair. Furthermore, the composition is designed to guide the viewer's gaze towards the central figure, with the sleeping soldiers and angels floating in the background serving as secondary elements.

Color wise, Mantegna uses a vibrant, saturated palette that contrasts with the darker, muted tones of the tomb and soldiers. The use of gold on the figure of Christ also gives it a sense of divinity and majesty.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was commissioned by the Marquis of Mantua in the 15th century as part of a series of works depicting the Passion of Christ. Mantegna is believed to have worked on the painting for several years, honing every detail and using his knowledge of anatomy and perspective to create a masterpiece that remains impressive today.

Little-known aspects of the painting include details such as the faces of the Roman soldiers, believed to be portraits of real people Mantegna knew. It has also been suggested that the figure of Christ is inspired by classical sculpture, demonstrating the influence of ancient Greece and Rome on Renaissance art.

In short, Andrea Mantegna's Resurrection painting is an impressive work of art noted for its advanced composition, masterful use of color, and fascinating history. It is a display of the Renaissance artist's talent and skill and remains one of the most important works of his career.

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