Coronation of the Virgin

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price€171,95 EUR


The painting Coronation of the Virgin by Paolo Veneziano is a masterpiece of Italian Gothic art from the 14th century. The original size of the painting is 99 x 78 cm, which makes it a medium-sized work compared to other works of the time.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the Virgin Mary and Jesus at the center of the image, flanked by angels and saints. The figure of the Virgin is represented with a delicacy and elegance that shows the artist's ability to capture the beauty and grace of the divine woman.

The coloring of the work is another outstanding aspect, with soft and warm tones that create an atmosphere of peace and serenity. The use of the gilding technique in the painting adds a shine and luminosity that highlights the importance of the coronation of the Virgin.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Venetian Zeno family for their private chapel in the church of San Giovanni in Bragora in Venice. The painting has been the subject of restoration and conservation over the years, which has allowed its preservation and exhibition today.

A little known aspect of the work is that Paolo Veneziano was not the only artist to work on it. His son, Giovanni, is also believed to have had a hand in creating the painting, adding a touch of family collaboration to the work.

In conclusion, Paolo Veneziano's Coronation of the Virgin is an impressive work of art that combines technical skill and religious emotion to create an image that remains powerful and moving today.

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