Achilles Among the Daughters of Lycomedes

size(cm): 50x50
Sale price€191,95 EUR


The painting "Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes" by Erasmus II Quellinus is an impressive work depicting the history of Greek mythology. The composition of the painting is very interesting, as it shows the Greek hero Achilles disguised as a woman to avoid being recruited in the Trojan War.

The art style used by Quellinus is highly detailed and realistic. Each of the characters is depicted with great precision, with special attention paid to clothing and jewelry. The colors used in the painting are rich and vibrant, creating a sense of movement and life in the scene.

The story behind the painting is fascinating. According to legend, Achilles's mother, Thetis, sent him to the court of King Lycomedes to prevent him from joining the Trojan War. There, he disguised himself as a woman and joined the king's daughters in their daily activities. However, he was discovered when his true identity was revealed during a weapons test.

A little known aspect of this painting is that it was commissioned by King Charles II of England. It is said that the painting was one of the king's favorites and that he hung it in his bedroom. The painting has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and has been praised for its beauty and detail.

In short, the painting "Achilles among the Daughters of Lycomedes" is an impressive work that shows the artistic ability of Erasmus II Quellinus. The composition, artistic style, and colors used are impressive, and the story behind the painting is fascinating. It is a work of art that deserves to be admired and appreciated for its beauty and historical significance.

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