Twelfth Night (The Baby King)

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price4.820,00 Kč


The painting "Twelfth-night (The King Drinks)" by artist David Teniers the Younger is a fascinating work noted for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. With an original size of 58 x 70 cm, this painting is a jewel in the history of art.

Teniers the Younger's artistic style is characterized by his ability to depict scenes of everyday life with great detail and realism. In "Twelfth-night (The King Drinks)", the artist transports us to a lively banquet where the king is enjoying his drink. The composition of the work is impressive, as Teniers the Younger manages to capture the viewer's attention with a careful arrangement of characters and objects on the canvas.

The use of color in this painting is another highlight. Teniers the Younger uses a rich and vibrant color palette to depict the festive scene. Warm and earthy tones predominate in the work, creating a cozy and festive atmosphere. The details in the costumes of the characters and the texture of the objects are rendered with great mastery, which demonstrates the technical skill of the artist.

The story behind "Twelfth-night (The King Drinks)" is also interesting. The work was created in the 17th century and is inspired by the tradition of Twelfth Night, a holiday celebrated on January 6 in many countries. On this festivity, the visit of the three Magi to the baby Jesus is commemorated. Teniers the Younger captures the joy and bustle of this festivity in his painting, allowing us to delve into the festive atmosphere of the time.

Besides its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind the painting, there are little-known aspects of "Twelfth-night (The King Drinks)." For example, Teniers the Younger is said to have portrayed himself in the play, portraying himself as one of the characters in the scene. This adds an element of self-referentiality to the painting, allowing the artist to become part of the festive narrative it represents.

In conclusion, "Twelfth-night (The King Drinks)" by David Teniers the Younger is a fascinating painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and the history it depicts. This masterpiece transports us to a lively banquet on Twelfth Night, allowing us to enjoy the festivity and the artist's technical mastery.

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