The Creation of the Sun, the Moon and the Plants

size(cm): 50x100
Sale price6.546,00 Kč


Michelangelo Buonarroti's painting Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated viewers for centuries. The mural, measuring an impressive 280 x 570 cm, was created on the ceiling of the Vatican's Sistine Chapel and is part of a series of frescoes depicting the Biblical creation story.

What makes this painting so interesting is its unique artistic style and masterful composition. Michelangelo, who was known for his skill in sculpture, applied sculptural techniques to his painting, giving it a three-dimensional look and a sense of depth and movement. The characters and creatures featured in the painting appear to be alive and moving, which makes the scene even more impressive.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable. Michelangelo divided it into three sections, each representing a day of creation. At the top is God the Father surrounded by angels, creating the sun and the moon. In the center is the figure of God creating plants and trees, while at the bottom are Adam and Eve, surrounded by animals and birds.

The color in the paint is also impressive. Michelangelo used a limited palette of colors, mostly earth tones and grays, giving the painting a sober and serene look. However, the details and texture of the paint are so impressive that a lack of color is not an issue.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Michelangelo was hired by Pope Julius II to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in 1508. The task was monumental, and Michelangelo worked on it for four years. The Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants was one of the last sections he completed, believed to have been completed in 1512.

As for little-known aspects, it is said that Michelangelo had to work in extremely difficult conditions while painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. He would spend hours standing on scaffolding, head up, which caused long-term health problems. He is also said to have struggled with the humidity and lack of natural light in the chapel, which made it difficult to apply the paint.

In short, Michelangelo Buonarroti's Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that combines sculptural techniques, masterful composition, and a limited color palette to create a stunning image of creation. The story behind the painting and the challenges Michelangelo faced while working on it only add to its appeal.

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