Christ on the Column

size(cm): 50x65
Sale price5.090,00 Kč


The painting "Christ at the Column" by Caravaggio is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art depicting Jesus Christ being scourged at the column. The composition of the painting is very dramatic, with a suffering and humiliated Christ in the center of the image surrounded by Roman soldiers who mercilessly whip him.

Caravaggio's artistic style is characterized by his use of the chiaroscuro technique, which consists of creating strong contrasts between light and shadow to highlight the main figure in the painting. In "Christ at the Column", the light is focused on the figure of Christ, while the Roman soldiers and the dark background are kept in shadow.

The color of the paint is very intense, with dark and saturated tones that create an oppressive and gloomy atmosphere. The red of Christ's tunic is particularly striking, symbolizing the suffering and the blood that he sheds in the scourging.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the 17th century and became one of the artist's most famous works. However, the painting was stolen in 1969 and has never been recovered, making it one of the most sought after works of art in the world.

A little known aspect about "Christ at the Column" is that Caravaggio used his own body as a model for the figure of Christ, which gives a sense of realism and humanity to the image.

In short, Caravaggio's "Christ at the Column" is a masterpiece of Italian Baroque art that stands out for its drama, innovative art style, and intriguing story. It is a painting that continues to captivate art lovers around the world and represents one of the high points of the artist's career.

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