Still Life of Hare and Games

size(cm): 45x60
Sale price4.618,00 Kč


The painting Still-Life with Hare and Game-Birds by the Flemish artist Jan Fyt is a masterpiece of the still life genre, depicting a hunting scene with a rabbit and game birds. This work was painted in the 17th century and is currently in the Prado Museum in Madrid.

Fyt's art style is highly detailed and realistic, allowing him to capture every detail of the textures and colors of game and other still life objects. The composition of the work is very careful, with a balanced arrangement of objects and lighting that highlights the different textures and colors.

Color is another prominent aspect of this work, with a rich and varied palette that includes warm and cool tones, creating a sense of depth and volume in the objects depicted. The use of chiaroscuro is also very effective, creating a contrast between the light and shadow areas.

The history of the painting is also interesting, as it was commissioned by Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria for his private collection. Fyt was one of the most important artists at the Brussels court at the time, and this work shows his ability to capture the beauty and complexity of nature.

In addition, there are little-known aspects of this work that make it even more fascinating. For example, some scholars have suggested that the rabbit and game birds may represent death and life, respectively, adding a symbolic dimension to the work. It has also been pointed out that the arrangement of the objects may be a reference to the Christian tradition of the Eucharist, where the bread and wine represent the body and blood of Christ.

In short, Jan Fyt's Still-Life with Hare and Game-Birds painting is a masterpiece of the still-life genre, noted for its detailed and realistic art style, balanced composition, rich color palette, and interesting history and symbolic aspects.

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