Sale priceFrom 4.024,00 Kč
An Angel Comforting Jesus Before His Arrest in the Garden of GethsemaneCarl Bloch

Sale priceFrom 4.464,00 Kč
The Child Jesus Distributing Bread to the PilgrimsBartolomé Esteban Murillo

Sale priceFrom 3.517,00 Kč
Jesus Before Annas and Peter Deny Jesus for the First Time (Scenes 8-9)Duccio Di Buoninsegna

Sale priceFrom 3.517,00 Kč
Fray Felice Da Cantalice Receiving Baby Jesus from The VirginPietro Faccini

Sale priceFrom 3.517,00 Kč
Saint Margaret Maria Alacoque Contemplating the Sacred Heart of JesusCorrado Giaquinto