Virgin and Child

size(cm): 65x35
Sale priceCHF 181.00


Artist Benozzo Gozzoli's painting Madonna and Child is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. The work is in the collection of the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy, and measures 250 x 135 cm.

One of the most notable features of the painting is its artistic style, which is typical of the Italian Renaissance. Gozzoli uses an oil painting technique that allows him to create a detailed and realistic image of the Virgin Mary and the Christ Child. The composition of the work is equally impressive, with the figure of the Virgin Mary seated on a throne and holding the Child Jesus on her lap.

Color is another interesting aspect of painting. Gozzoli uses a rich, vibrant color palette that gives the work a feeling of warmth and light. Gold and red tones predominate in the painting, giving it an air of majesty and sanctity.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. The work was commissioned by the Medici family in the 15th century as a gift to the church of San Marco in Florence. The painting became an object of popular devotion and was venerated by the faithful for centuries.

Also, there are little-known aspects of the painting that make it even more interesting. For example, Gozzoli is believed to have included portraits of members of the Medici family in the work, giving it a personal and emotional touch. It is also said that the painting was used as an inspiration for the creation of a famous piece of sacred music, the Magnificat by Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina.

In short, Benozzo Gozzoli's painting Madonna and Child is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece that combines a stunning artistic style, masterful composition, clever use of color, and a fascinating story. It is a work of art that continues to captivate art lovers and deserves to be admired for its beauty and meaning.

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