Saint Bruno Commits His Disciples to Abandon the World

size(cm): 50x35
Sale priceCHF 153.00


The painting St Bruno Commits his Disciples to Leaving the World, by French artist Eustache Le Sueur, is a 17th-century masterpiece depicting a key moment in the history of Carthusian monasticism. The work, with an original size of 193 x 130 cm, stands out for its baroque artistic style, its balanced composition and its use of color to create a sober and contemplative atmosphere.

The painting shows Saint Bruno, founder of the Carthusian order, handing over his rule to his disciples while encouraging them to abandon the world and dedicate themselves to monastic life. The scene takes place in a mountainous and austere landscape, in which the monks appear kneeling and with gestures of humility and dedication. The figure of Saint Bruno, in the center of the composition, stands out for its serene expression and its gesture of blessing.

Le Sueur's artistic style is characterized by its elegance and attention to detail. The figure of Saint Bruno, for example, is rendered with great realism and detail, with richly ornamented clothing and a carefully outlined beard. The monks, for their part, appear with simple habits and serene faces, conveying a sense of tranquility and inner peace.

The use of color in the work is also remarkable, with a palette of sober and muted tones that reflects the austerity of monastic life. Green and brown tones predominate in the landscape, while the monks' habits are pure and luminous white. The figure of Saint Bruno, for his part, stands out for his red tunic and golden cape, which symbolize his authority and his role as founder of the order.

Regarding the history of the painting, it should be noted that it was commissioned by the Carthusian order for its monastery in Paris, where it was kept until the French Revolution. During this period, the work was transferred to the church of Saint Sulpice, where it suffered some damage and alterations. Finally, in the 19th century, it was acquired by the Louvre Museum, where it is currently located.

In summary, the painting St Bruno Commits his Disciples to Leaving the World is a work of great beauty and depth, which masterfully reflects the spirituality and austerity of the Carthusian order. Its artistic style, its balanced composition and its use of color make it a unique and memorable work, which deserves to be contemplated with care and admiration.

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