Portrait of Prokofiy Demidov

size(cm): 50x35
Sale priceCHF 153.00


The Portrait of Prokofiy Demidov by artist Dmitry Grigorevich Levitsky is a stunning work of art that has captivated art lovers since its creation in 1773. The painting is a perfect example of the neoclassical art style, characterized by its focus on simplicity , clarity and precision.

The composition of the work is very interesting, as the artist has managed to capture the personality and imposing presence of Prokofiy Demidov. The figure of the sitter is in the center of the work, surrounded by a dark background that gives it an air of mystery and elegance. The artist has used the technique of lighting to highlight the facial features of his model, giving it a sense of depth and realism.

The color in this work is very interesting, since the artist has used a very limited color palette. The portrait is made up of mostly dark tones, with some splashes of color in the clothing and background details. This helps to emphasize the importance of the sitter and gives him an air of sobriety and elegance.

The story behind this painting is also very interesting. Prokofiy Demidov was a wealthy Russian businessman who commissioned this work from Levitsky as a portrait of his wife. However, when the work was completed, Demidov fell so enamored with the portrait that he decided to keep it for himself.

In addition to the story behind the work, there are some little-known aspects that make this painting even more interesting. For example, Levitsky is believed to have used a mirror to create the image of his sitter, allowing him to capture Prokofiy Demidov's personality and presence very accurately.

In short, Dmitry Grigorevich Levitsky's Portrait of Prokofiy Demidov is an impressive work of art that stands out for its neoclassical artistic style, interesting composition, limited color palette, and intriguing story. It is a work that continues to captivate art lovers to this day.

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