Portrait of Lucina Brembati

size(cm): 45x40
Sale priceCHF 153.00


The painting Portrait of Lucina Brembati, by the Italian artist Lorenzo Lotto, is a work that stands out for its elegance and subtlety in the representation of the human figure. The work was made in the 16th century and measures 53 x 45 cm.

Lorenzo Lotto's artistic style is characterized by his interest in the psychology of the characters and his ability to capture the personality of those portrayed. In this work, Lotto manages to convey the serenity and beauty of Lucina Brembati, a Milanese noblewoman who was portrayed by the artist in the city of Bergamo.

The composition of the work is simple but effective. The figure of Lucina Brembati occupies the center of the painting, with a serene and direct gaze towards the viewer. The dark and neutral background highlights the woman's figure and emphasizes her beauty and elegance.

The coloring of the work is sober and delicate, with soft shades of red, green and blue that highlight the beauty of Lucina's skin and dress. The use of light and shadows in the work is impressive, achieving a sense of depth and realism in the figure of the woman.

The history of the painting is interesting, since Lucina Brembati was a prominent woman in her time for her beauty and intelligence. The work was commissioned by her husband, the Bergamo nobleman Giovanni Agostino da Lugo, as a portrait of his wife for his home.

Little-known aspects of the painting include the possibility that Lorenzo Lotto used a mirror to more accurately portray Lucina Brembati's face. In addition, it is known that the artist had to make several preliminary sketches and studies before carrying out the final work.

In conclusion, Portrait of Lucina Brembati is an outstanding work of the Italian Renaissance that stands out for its elegance, subtlety and ability to capture the personality of the sitter. The work is an example of Lorenzo Lotto's artistic style and a sample of his ability to represent the human figure with realism and beauty.

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