Portrait of a Thirty Two Year Old Man

size(cm): 45x40
Sale priceCHF 154.00


The Portrait of a Man of Thirty-Two Years is a painting that was created by the Dutch artist Jan Van Scorel in the 16th century. This work is considered one of the most important in the artist's career and stands out for its artistic style and carefully crafted composition.

The painting presents a portrait of a 32-year-old young man, who stands in an upright posture and gazes directly at the viewer. The artist has used a detailed and realistic painting technique to create an image that appears almost photographic in its precision.

The composition of the painting is very interesting, as the artist has used a number of elements to create a sense of depth and perspective. The figure of the man is located in the center of the painting, with a wall behind him that seems to recede into the distance.

The color used in the painting is also very remarkable, with a palette of dark, rich tones that create a sense of depth and drama. The artist has used shadows and lights to bring the man's figure to life, creating a sense of texture in his clothing and hair.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. The work is believed to have been commissioned by the man portrayed in the painting, who was an Italian nobleman named Federico Gonzaga. Van Scorel is said to have lived with Gonzaga for several years, and this painting was created as a tribute to his patron and friend.

Overall, the Portrait of a Man of Thirty-Two Years is an impressive work of art that stands out for its artistic style, carefully crafted composition, use of color, and the story behind the painting. It is a work that continues to fascinate viewers to this day, and is considered one of Jan Van Scorel's best creations.

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