Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza

size(cm): 50x35
Sale priceCHF 154.00


The painting Portrait of Bianca Maria Sforza by the artist Bonifazio Bembo is a work of art that stands out for its artistic style and composition. The work, which has an original size of 49 x 31 cm, is a representation of Bianca Maria Sforza, the daughter of the Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza.

The artistic style of the work is typical of the Italian Renaissance, with meticulous attention to detail and a fine, delicate brushwork technique. The figure of Bianca Maria Sforza is rendered with great realism, with a serene expression and classical beauty that makes her an object of admiration.

The composition of the work is simple and elegant, with the figure of Bianca Maria Sforza in the center and a dark background that highlights her figure. The pose of the figure is natural and relaxed, giving the work a sense of calm and serenity.

The color of the painting is soft and delicate, with pastel tones that highlight the beauty of the figure of Bianca Maria Sforza. The color palette is soft and harmonious, giving the work a sense of balance and harmony.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been commissioned by the Duke of Milan as a gift to his daughter. The work has been kept in the Sforza family collection for centuries and has been the subject of numerous exhibitions and studies.

Little-known aspects of the work include its painting technique, which is believed to have been done using a glazing technique that gives the work a sense of depth and lightness. It is also believed that the work was retouched by other artists in the 18th century, which has added an additional layer of mystery and fascination to this work of art.

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