Woman Washing Her Hands

size(cm): 45x40
Sale priceCHF 155.00


The painting "Woman Washing Hands" by the artist Gerard Terborch is a captivating work that presents a number of interesting aspects both in its artistic style and in its composition, color and historical context. Originally 53 x 43 cm in size, this 17th-century masterpiece has left a lasting mark on the art world.

In terms of artistic style, Terborch was known for his ability to depict everyday scenes with amazing precision and detail. "Woman Washing Hands" is no exception, perfectly capturing the intimacy and tranquility of a seemingly mundane moment. The artist uses a smooth and precise brushwork technique, giving the painting a realistic and detailed look.

The composition of the work is also remarkable. Terborch places the woman at the center of the painting, focusing the viewer's attention on her hand-washing gesture. The position of the woman, with her slightly curved back and her downward gaze, conveys a sensation of concentration and serenity. In addition, the inclusion of domestic objects, such as the sink and the water jug, adds an element of realism and familiarity to the scene.

As for color, Terborch uses a soft and delicate palette, dominated by earthy tones and pastels. Warm tones of brown and beige are combined with subtle hints of blue and white, creating a calm and serene atmosphere. These soft colors also help bring out the details and textures of the depicted objects, such as the reflection of light on the sink and the texture of the woman's dress.

The history of the painting "Woman Washing Hands" is fascinating. It is believed to have been painted around 1655 and is part of a series of works in which Terborch explored the domestic life and daily activities of women. These paintings were highly valued in their day and became a symbol of status and refinement.

Despite its apparent simplicity, "Woman Washing Hands" contains a series of little-known aspects. For example, the woman depicted in the painting is the artist's sister, Gesina Terborch, who often served as a model for his works. Furthermore, the painting is a prominent example of the Dutch genre painting genre, which focused on the depiction of everyday scenes and domestic life.

In short, Gerard Terborch's painting "Woman Washing Hands" is a masterpiece that stands out for its detailed artistic style, carefully balanced composition, soft color palette, and fascinating historical context. Through this work, Terborch manages to capture the beauty and tranquility of a seemingly insignificant moment, thus immortalizing everyday life in the 17th century.

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