Christ in the Lake of Gennesaret

size(cm): 50x65
Sale priceCHF 206.00


The painting "Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret" by Eugène Delacroix is ​​a masterpiece of French Romanticism. This work was created in 1854 and measures 60 x 73 cm. The painting represents a biblical scene in which Jesus walks on the water of Lake Gennezaret, while his disciples are in a nearby boat.

Delacroix's artistic style is characterized by his use of color and light to create a dramatic and emotional atmosphere. In this work, sunlight reflects off the water, creating an effect of glitter and movement on the surface of the lake. The colors used by the artist are intense and vibrant, giving the painting a sense of vitality and energy.

The composition of the painting is interesting, as Delacroix uses the technique of counterpoint to create visual balance. The figure of Jesus is in the center of the painting, surrounded by water and sky. The disciples are in the boat on the right of the composition, while on the left you can see a small village on the lake shore.

The history of the painting is fascinating, as it was created at a time when Delacroix was experimenting with new techniques and styles. The work was inspired by a trip the artist made to Morocco, where he was impressed by the light and colors of the landscape. This experience can be seen reflected in painting, where Delacroix uses rich, vibrant colors to create a sense of movement and vitality.

A little known aspect of the painting is that it was bought by the famous French writer Victor Hugo. Hugo fell in love with the work and hung it in his home on Guernsey, where he kept it until his death.

In conclusion, the painting "Christ on the Lake of Gennezaret" by Eugène Delacroix is ​​a masterpiece of French Romanticism. Its artistic style, composition, color, and the story behind the work make it a fascinating and unique piece of art history.

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