Portrait of Charles II

size(cm): 70x35
Sale priceCHF 189.00


Portrait of Charles II by Juan Carreño de Miranda is a masterpiece of Spanish Baroque art noted for its impressive artistic style, composition, and color. The painting depicts King Carlos II, who ruled Spain from 1665 until his death in 1700.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with the king seated on a golden throne with a red velvet curtain behind him. The king figure is dressed in a red velvet suit and a white ermine cape, and his right hand rests on a staff of office. The painting conveys a sense of power and authority, reflecting the king's position as leader of Spain.

The use of color in the painting is impressive, with rich and vibrant shades of red, gold and white combining to create a powerful and majestic image. The artist also uses light effectively to bring out details in the king's clothing and details on the throne.

The history of the painting is also fascinating, since it was commissioned by King Carlos II himself to be exhibited in the Salón de Reinos of the Buen Retiro Palace in Madrid. The painting was part of a series of portraits of Spanish kings on display in the Salón de Reinos, and became a symbol of the power and greatness of the Spanish monarchy.

Lesser known aspects of the painting include the fact that the artist, Juan Carreño de Miranda, was one of the foremost portrait painters of his day and also worked for the court of Philip IV. In addition, the painting was also the subject of controversy in its time due to some critics considering it too extravagant and ostentatious.

In short, Portrait of Charles II by Juan Carreño de Miranda is a masterpiece of Spanish Baroque art that stands out for its impressive artistic style, composition, and color. The painting is a symbol of the power and greatness of the Spanish monarchy and remains an iconic and fascinating work of art to this day.

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