Cavalry Battle in Front of a Burning Mill

size(cm): 50x60
Sale priceCHF 199.00


The painting "Cavalry Battle in front of a Burning Mill" by the artist Philips Wouwerman is a fascinating work that transports us to a scene full of action and drama. With an original size of 55 x 67 cm, this piece captures the viewer's attention from the first moment.

Wouwerman's artistic style is characterized by his ability to depict battle scenes and landscapes with great detail and realism. In "Cavalry Battle in front of a Burning Mill", the artist demonstrates his mastery by portraying the frenetic action of a battle in full swing. Each figure on horseback and each gesture of the soldiers are carefully outlined, creating a sense of movement and energy in the painting.

The composition of the work is another outstanding aspect. Wouwerman uses the technique of contrast to guide the viewer's gaze through the scene. The central figure, a horseman with a raised sword, stands out amidst the chaos and becomes the focal point of the painting. Around him, soldiers clash in a whirlwind of action and violence, creating a sense of controlled chaos.

The use of color in "Cavalry Battle in front of a Burning Mill" is another striking element. Wouwerman employs a palette of warm, earthy tones, with subtle hints of red and orange to represent the fire consuming the mill. These rich, contrasting colors add drama to the scene, highlighting the violence and destruction taking place on the battlefield.

The story behind this painting is also intriguing. Although the origin of the work is not known with certainty, it is believed that it was created around 1650 and that it represents a battle during the Thirty Years War. This war, which took place in Europe between 1618 and 1648, was one of the most devastating conflicts in history, and Wouwerman manages to capture its spirit in this painting.

In addition to these more well-known aspects, there are some lesser-known details about "Cavalry Battle in front of a Burning Mill" that deserve to be highlighted. For example, one can appreciate the artist's mastery in rendering the texture of the horses and the soldiers' clothing, as well as the attention to detail in the architecture of the burning mill.

In conclusion, "Cavalry Battle in front of a Burning Mill" is a stunning painting that combines a masterful art style, captivating composition, striking use of color, and an intriguing story. This work by Philips Wouwerman remains a source of fascination and admiration for art lovers to this day.

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