Two Old Women and a Servant

size(cm): 50x75
Sale price$387.00 AUD


The painting "Two Old Women and a Servant" by artist Justus Sustermans is a fascinating work that captures the viewer's attention with its distinctive artistic style and carefully crafted composition. With an original size of 100 x 148 cm, this painting is a remarkable example of 17th century art.

Sustermans' artistic style is characterized by his ability to depict figures with great detail and realism. In "Two Old Women and a Servant", this is reflected in the way the artist portrays the three women. His wrinkles and facial expressions show the passage of time and life experience, adding depth and authenticity to the work.

The composition of the painting is also remarkable. Sustermans places the two older women in the foreground, while the servant girl is slightly in the background. This hierarchical arrangement suggests the importance and authority of the two older women, while the presence of the servant girl adds an element of social and economic context.

When it comes to colour, Sustermans uses a rich and vibrant palette that highlights the details of women's clothing and accessories. Warm, earthy tones dominate the work, creating a feeling of warmth and familiarity. In addition, the artist uses subtle plays of light and shadow to give depth and volume to the figures.

The story behind "Two Old Women and a Servant" is little known, but it is believed to represent two Tuscan noblewomen and their servant. The painting can be interpreted as a portrait of old age and dependency, as well as a reflection on the social hierarchy and the relationship between the different classes.

In short, Justus Sustermans' "Two Old Women and a Servant" is a captivating painting noted for its realistic artistic style, carefully crafted composition, and masterful use of color. Through this work, the artist invites us to reflect on old age, social hierarchy and the importance of human relationships.

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