self portrait

size(cm): 50x35
Sale price$260.00 AUD


Edgar Degas' Self-Portrait painting is a 19th-century masterpiece that showcases the artist's ability to capture the essence of his own image. Degas' artistic style is characterized by the technique of impressionism, which is reflected in the loose brushwork and the use of vibrant colours.

The composition of the work is interesting as Degas is presented at an unusual angle, with his head tilted slightly to the right and his gaze directly towards the viewer. The figure of the artist is located in the center of the work, with a dark background that highlights the light that illuminates his face and clothing.

Color is one of the most striking aspects of painting. The artist uses warm and cold tones to create a contrast that highlights her figure. The deep red of his tie contrasts with the dark blue of his jacket, while the light yellow of his shirt stands out against the dark background.

The history of the painting is also interesting. It was created in 1857, when Degas was just 23 years old, and represents his first known self-portrait. The work was acquired by the Musée d'Orsay in Paris in 1986 and is considered one of the most important pieces in the collection.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Degas did not make it with the intention of displaying it publicly. The work is believed to have been created as a practice exercise in the artist's studio, making it a unique and personal piece.

In short, Edgar Degas' painting Self-Portrait is a work that stands out for its impressionist style, its interesting composition, its use of color and its fascinating history. It is a sample of the artist's talent and his ability to capture the essence of his own image.

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