Saint Anne with the Child Jesus Christ, The Virgin and Saint John the Baptist

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price$262.00 AUD


The painting St Anne with the Christ Child, the Virgin, and St John the Baptist by Hans Baldung Grien is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style and impressive composition. The work, which measures 87 x 75 cm, presents Saint Anne, the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist, all of them surrounding the baby Jesus.

Baldung Grien's artistic style is characterized by his detailed technique and his ability to create realistic figures with great expressiveness. In this painting, you can appreciate the attention the artist paid to every detail, from the wrinkles in the clothing to the folds in the skin.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with each figure framed in its own space and connected to the others through gaze and gesture. The figure of Saint Anne stands at the center of the work, holding the baby Jesus on her lap, while the Virgin Mary and Saint John the Baptist stand by her side, looking down on the child with love and devotion.

The color in the painting is vibrant and full of life, with rich, saturated tones that create a sense of depth and texture in the work. The green and gold tones in Saint Anne's clothing contrast with the blue and pink tones of the Virgin and Saint John, creating a visual harmony that is impressive.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it is believed to have been created for the Hertenstein family chapel in the Konstanz cathedral in Germany. The work was later acquired by the Prado Museum in Madrid, where it is currently located.

In conclusion, the painting St Anne with the Christ Child, the Virgin, and St John the Baptist by Hans Baldung Grien is a German Renaissance masterpiece noted for its unique artistic style, impressive composition, vibrant color, and interesting history. . It is a work that deserves to be admired and appreciated for its beauty and spiritual significance.

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