Portrait of Henrietta San Juan

size(cm): 45x35
Sale price$249.00 AUD


The portrait of Henrietta St John, created by the artist Maria Verelst, is a work that captivates with its artistic style, composition and use of colour. With an original size of 125 x 100 cm, this painting transports us to a bygone era, revealing little-known aspects of the subject's history and life.

Verelst's artistic style is impeccable and is noted for his ability to capture the beauty and elegance of his subjects. In Portrait of Henrietta St John, the artist manages to capture the sophistication and delicacy of the young woman portrayed. The technique used by Verelst is precise and detailed, showcasing his mastery of the brush and his ability to create realistic textures on clothing and background.

The composition of the painting is balanced and harmonious. Henrietta St John stands at the center of the canvas, with an elegant and serene posture. His direct look and his subtle smile capture the viewer's attention, inviting us to delve into his world. The dark and neutral background highlights the figure of Henrietta, making her the main focus of the work.

The use of color in Portrait of Henrietta St John is captivating. Verelst uses a soft and delicate palette, dominated by pastel tones and warm colours. The pink and gold tones enhance Henrietta's beauty, bringing lightness and softness to the painting. The white and silver details on the sitter's dress add a touch of elegance and refinement.

The history of this painting is fascinating. Henrietta St John was an eighteenth-century socialite known for her beauty and charm. His portrait was commissioned by his family to immortalize his image and his social position. Through this work, we can discover details about the fashion and aesthetic tastes of the time, as well as about the life and aspirations of high society women.

Little-known aspects of this painting include the fact that Maria Verelst was one of the few well-known women artists of her time. His talent and dedication to his craft are evident in every stroke of this masterpiece. Furthermore, it is believed that Verelst may have been influenced by the style of the great portraiture masters of the time, such as Thomas Gainsborough and Joshua Reynolds.

In short, Maria Verelst's Portrait of Henrietta St John is a painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, and use of color. Through this work, we can delve into the life and beauty of a young woman from eighteenth-century high society, and appreciate the talent and skill of a leading female artist of the time.

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