Portrait of Jacques Cazotte

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$280.00 AUD


The Portrait of Jacques Cazotte by Jean-Baptiste Perronneau is a masterpiece of 18th-century French painting. Original size 92 x 73 cm, this oil painting shows Jacques Cazotte, a French writer and occultist, in a solemn and thoughtful pose.

Perronneau's artistic style is characterized by his ability to capture the personality of his subject and his attention to detail. In this work, Perronneau manages to capture the imposing and mysterious presence of Cazotte, through the representation of his face and his elegant clothing.

The composition of the work is interesting, since Cazotte is represented in a dark and gloomy environment, which contrasts with the light that illuminates his face. This lighting technique, known as chiaroscuro, is a distinctive feature of Perronneau's artistic style.

The use of color in the work is subtle and elegant. The dark, earthy tones of Cazotte's clothing contrast with the light, bright tones of her face and hands, creating an effect of depth and realism.

The history of this painting is interesting, as it is known that Cazotte was a close friend of the artist and that Perronneau painted this portrait in 1760, when Cazotte was 53 years old. The work was exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1761 and was very well received by critics and the public.

Little-known aspects of this work include the fact that it was stolen in 1989 from the Museum of Fine Arts in Nantes, France, and recovered in 2017. Perronneau is also known to have painted other portraits of Cazotte, but this one is considered the most important and the best preserved.

In short, Jean-Baptiste Perronneau's Portrait of Jacques Cazotte is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and the story behind its creation and recovery. This painting is a leading example of Perronneau's ability to capture the personality and presence of his subjects.

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