Cupid's Education

size(cm): 50x60
Sale price$338.00 AUD


The painting "The Education of Cupid" by the French artist François Boucher is a masterpiece of Rococo, an artistic style characterized by elegance, sensuality and refinement. The work, which measures 118 x 134 cm, represents Cupid being educated by Venus and the Graces in the art of love.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a harmonious arrangement of the figures and rich ornamentation in the background. The figure of Cupid, with his smooth, rosy skin, is the focal point of the work, while Venus and the Graces are presented as secondary figures, but no less important. The coloring is bright and cheerful, with a palette of pastel shades that complement each other perfectly.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Queen Maria Leszczynska of France in 1753 to decorate her Palace of Versailles. The work was highly prized by the queen and became one of the most popular in her private collection.

A little-known aspect of the painting is that Boucher used his wife, Marie-Jeanne Buseau, as the model for the figure of Venus. It is also said that the artist was inspired by Greek and Roman mythology to create the work, taking elements from various stories and legends.

In short, "The Education of Cupid" is an impressive work of art that represents the Rococo style in all its splendor. The composition, the coloring and the story behind the painting make it a unique and interesting piece for any art lover.

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