Cicero's Triumph

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price$262.00 AUD


The painting The Triumph of Cicero, created by Italian artist Franciabigio, is an impressive work of art that stands out for its unique artistic style and carefully designed composition. This masterpiece is one of Franciabigio's largest pieces, with an original size of 580 x 530 cm.

Franciabigio's style is a blend of classical tradition and elements of the Italian Renaissance. The painting shows great technical skill in the representation of the human figure, with precise details in the anatomy and clothing. The artist also uses a soft and delicate brushwork technique, giving the painting a soft and elegant feel.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a large number of figures that intertwine in a dynamic and exciting scene. The central figure of the painting is the famous Roman orator, Cicero, who is being carried in a triumphal chariot through the city after his victory in the trial against Catiline. The crowd of characters surrounding Cicero are dressed in classical clothing, with some wearing theatrical masks, suggesting that the painting is influenced by the Roman theater.

The color in the painting is vibrant and full of life. The warm tones of the characters' clothing and skin contrast with the dark backgrounds and black and white details. Franciabigio's color palette is rich and varied, giving the painting a sense of depth and texture.

The history of the painting is interesting, as it was commissioned by Cardinal Giulio de' Medici, who later became Pope Clement VII. The painting was created to decorate the main room of the Medici Palace in Florence, Italy, and has been kept there since its creation in 1525.

In short, The Triumph of Cicero is an Italian Renaissance masterpiece showcasing Franciabigio's technical and artistic skill. Its unique artistic style, carefully designed composition, vibrant color, and interesting story make this painting one of the most important pieces of the period.

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