size(cm): 45x60
Sale price$328.00 AUD


The Still-Life of Game painting by French artist Alexandre-François Desportes is a masterpiece that has captivated art lovers for centuries. This work of art is a perfect example of the 18th century artistic style, which is characterized by precision and realism in the representation of objects and animals.

The composition of the painting is impressive, with a wide variety of animals and objects arranged harmoniously on the canvas. Desportes manages to capture the texture and movement of each animal, from the rabbit to the pheasants and the hare. The attention to detail is impressive, and each object seems to be in its perfect place.

Color is also a prominent aspect of this work. The color palette is rich and varied, with warm and cool tones blending harmoniously. Earth tones and greens are combined with reds and golds, creating a feeling of warmth and richness in the scene.

The story behind the painting is also fascinating. Alexandre-François Desportes was one of the most important French court painters in the 18th century, and was especially known for his hunting works. This particular painting was commissioned by King Louis XV, who was an avid hunter and art lover.

In addition to its aesthetic beauty, the Still-Life of Game painting also has little-known aspects that make it even more interesting. For example, some scholars have noted that the hare at the bottom left of the canvas appears to be injured, which may be a reference to the fragility of life and death in nature.

In short, Alexandre-François Desportes' Still-Life of Game painting is an impressive work of art that combines precision and realism with harmonious composition and a rich and varied color palette. Its history and little-known aspects make it even more fascinating and worthy of admiration.

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