Still Life With Carrots

size(cm): 40x55
Sale price$295.00 AUD


Meijer De Haan's Still Life with Carrots is a work of art that captivates with its artistic style and composition. This painting is a perfect example of the post-impressionist movement, which is characterized by the use of bright colors and the representation of reality in a more subjective way.

The composition of the work is very interesting, as the artist has carefully arranged the carrots, creating a sense of balance and harmony in the image. In addition, the choice of colors is very successful, since the orange of the carrots contrasts with the dark background, creating a very attractive visual effect.

The history of this painting is also very interesting. Meijer De Haan was a Dutch artist who lived in Paris during the 1880s, where he was associated with other artists such as Vincent Van Gogh and Paul Gauguin. In fact, it is said that this painting was one of Van Gogh's inspirations for his famous work The Sunflowers.

But there is a little-known aspect about this painting that makes it even more fascinating. Meijer De Haan is believed to have used his own wife as a model for the figure at the bottom of the image. This gives a personal and emotional touch to the work, which makes it more than just a representation of carrots.

In short, Meijer De Haan's Still Life with Carrots is a work of art that deserves to be admired for its artistic style, its composition, its color and its history. It is a sample of the talent and creativity of an artist who knew how to capture the beauty of everyday life in a unique and original way.

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