Girl Eating an Apple

size(cm): 50x40
Sale price$225.00 SGD


The painting "Girl Eating an Apple" by the artist Godfried Schalcken is a work that attracts attention with its delicacy and beauty. This artwork was created in the 17th century and is in the collection of the Danish National Museum of Art.

Schalcken's artistic style is characterized by precision in detail and chiaroscuro technique. In this painting, one can appreciate the artist's ability to create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere around the young woman eating an apple. Light gently filters through the curtains and reflects off the protagonist's skin and clothing, creating an impressively realistic effect.

The composition of the work is simple but effective. The young woman is sitting on a chair, apple in hand and a vacant look on her face. Behind her, a mirror and a table with a chandelier can be seen. The position of the young woman and the light that surrounds her create an effect of depth in the work.

Color is another interesting aspect of this painting. Schalcken uses dark and warm tones to create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere. The young woman's skin is soft and delicate, and the bright red of the apple contrasts with the rest of the work.

The story behind the painting is unknown, but it is believed that the young woman could be a model for the artist or simply a person he met in his daily life. What is known is that Schalcken was a very popular artist in his time and that his works were highly valued for their technique and beauty.

In short, "Girl Eating an Apple" is an impressive work of art that stands out for its technique and beauty. Schalcken's ability to create an intimate and mysterious atmosphere around the young woman is impressive, and his use of color and composition are effective in creating a work of art that continues to captivate viewers to this day.

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