Breton Girl Taking Care of Plants in the Greenhouse

size(cm): 45x40
Sale price$213.00 SGD


The painting "Breton Girl Looking After Plants in the Hothouse" by Anna Petersen is a stunning work showing a young Breton girl tending to plants in a greenhouse. The work presents an impressionist artistic style, with loose brushstrokes and a masterful use of colour. The composition is very interesting, with the figure of the young Breton woman located in the central part of the work, surrounded by exuberant plants and colorful flowers.

Color is one of the most striking aspects of this painting. The artist uses a warm and vibrant palette, with shades of green, red, orange and yellow that create a sense of life and vitality in the work. The use of color also helps convey the feeling of warmth and humidity felt in a greenhouse.

The story behind the painting is also very interesting. Anna Petersen was a Danish artist who traveled to Britain in the 1890s to study the local culture and customs. During his stay, he fell in love with the beauty of the landscapes and the people of the region, and began to paint scenes of the daily life of the Bretons. This painting is an example of his work and shows his ability to capture the essence of rural Breton life.

A little-known aspect of this painting is that Petersen used a real young Breton woman as the model for the figure of the girl in the work. The model was called Marie-Anne, and Petersen met her while walking through the fields of Brittany. The artist was impressed by the beauty and grace of the young woman, and decided to paint her in one of her works.

In short, "Breton Girl Looking After Plants in the Hothouse" is an impressive work that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color, and interesting story. It is a showcase of Anna Petersen's talent and her ability to capture the beauty of rural Breton life.

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