size(cm): 50x75
Sale price¥37,900 JPY


The painting "Lamentation" by the famous Flemish artist Rogier Van Der Weyden is a masterpiece that captivates viewers with its unique artistic style and emotionally impactful composition. With an original size of 32.2 x 47.2 cm, this painting manages to convey a tragic and moving story through its visual elements.

Van Der Weyden's artistic style is characterized by his meticulous attention to detail and his ability to capture human emotions in a realistic manner. In "Lamentation", these traits are evident in the precise representation of the figures and in the expression of pain on the faces of the characters. Every fold of cloth and every facial feature is carefully painted, demonstrating the artist's technical skill.

The composition of the painting is another interesting aspect to highlight. Van Der Weyden uses a triangular arrangement to arrange the figures in the scene. In the center is the body of Christ, surrounded by Mary, Mary Magdalene and other weeping characters. This arrangement creates a sense of balance and visual harmony, while highlighting the importance of the central figure. In addition, the composition also plays with depth, as the characters in the foreground seem to be in a space closer to the viewer, while the characters in the background fade into the distance.

The use of color in "Lamentation" also deserves attention. Van Der Weyden employs a restrained, somber color palette, dominated by shades of grey, brown, and black. This reinforces the sadness and mourning felt in the scene. However, more vibrant touches of color can also be seen in the details, such as the deep red of Mary Magdalene's tunic. These subtle contrasts add depth and life to the painting.

The story behind "Lamentation" is also fascinating. This painting is believed to have been commissioned by the family of a wealthy Bruges merchant for their private chapel. The work represents the moment after Christ's crucifixion, when his body is taken down from the cross and mourned by his followers. This biblical scene has been depicted by many artists throughout history, but Van Der Weyden manages to give it his own unique approach.

Finally, there are little-known aspects of "Lamentation" that add an intriguing element to the work. For example, it is said that Van Der Weyden may have used live models to represent the characters, which would have contributed to the emotional authenticity of the painting. Furthermore, it is believed that this work was one of the first to use a technique known as "sfumato", which consists of blurring the contours of the figures to create a feeling of softness and atmosphere.

In summary, "Lamentation" by Rogier Van Der Weyden is a painting that stands out for its artistic style, composition, use of color and its history. Through his meticulous attention to detail, the artist manages to convey the sadness and devotion of the scene, leaving a lasting impression on those who view it.

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